But to get you up to date with everything, Morgan Hill was AMAZING!! It was such a great opportunity that has really brought a lot more opportunities that I could ever imagine. We (All Action Shots Team) was invited to take photos for the preliminaries for the next Summer Olympics to shoot the swimmers trying to qualify. I think this will take place in Colorado. So exciting for such a great company!
See the link below to see how many different athletes that the photographers shot! http://wwc.photoreflect.com/pr3/thumbpage.aspx?e=7978443
Secondly, life has been busy lately because my husband and I, along with our dog, moved into a different apartment. We are so excited to be finally (somewhat) out of boxes, although we still have a ways to go. At least we can function in our daily lives now right? Well, sort of...
Now, the fun part. We went on a couple of day "road-trips" lately. My husband surprised me and drove us to a place called Three Rivers (not quite sure how to describe where it is) but it was B-E-A-U tiful! Of course I took a million and a half photos, which sometimes drives him nuts.
PS. I would absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to do a session here with someone!!
(Below are taken with my camera self-timer)
And yes, I did run back each time...even across the street (below)
We also went to Monterey with a couple of good friends. It was fun, fabulous and I think I learned a whole new appreciation of the city. I wouldn't mind doing a photoshoot here too! :)
And now for the photography part, I have been shooting action shots in the evenings of softball lately. In between dodging foul balls, and getting asked questions such as "who's mom/aunt/sister, etc. are you?" and sitting (literally) on the first base line, I am having an AWESOME time!! I often wonder what mom/aunt/sister would have that large of a camera and being willing to actually sit on the field...but that's besides the point. Below is a sneak peak of a photo from one of my shoots. I purposely chose a photo where the athlete's back is to me, due to copyright and confidentiality issues. Enjoy!